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Raw breakfast: Spelt or Buckwheat – Banana Porridge

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By Stanka Vukelić

banana porridge

Photo: Stanka Vukelić


Raw breakfast: Spelt or Buckwheat – Banana Porridge

We love porridge; definitely one of our favorite foods so far. This breakfast is simple, wholesome and can be enjoyed on the run too. The perfect breakfast. It’s made of sprouted spelt or buckwheat and bananas.

Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat, or hulled wheat, is an ancient species of wheat; it’s much more nutritious and also much easier to digest than wheat.

If you prefer not eating gluten, or if you are gluten intolerant definitely use buckwheat. Despite the name, there is no wheat in buckwheat, it is a fabulous option for gluten-free diets and an excellent alternative to grains (buckwheat is not a grain).

Warning: Buy organic buckwheat of light green color (like in photo); the brownish is usually heat-treated and does not sprout. You can also use only soaked buckwheat.


buckwheat in bowl, raw breakfast, stanka vukelic


Preparing the Raw breakfast: Spelt or buckwheat porridge

Preparation time: 5-10 min.

Soaking: overnight

Sprouting – optional: 1-2 days


Ingredients for 2 people:

1 cup of sprouted spelt or buckwheat or just soaked overnight

2 oz (1/2 dl) of water

4 almond nuts soaked overnight

8 ripe bananas

cocoa nibs


Methods/steps –

1. Put the spelt or buckwheat into a jar and cover with fresh water. Soak it overnight. After that, wash well a few times. Now you can choose whether you want to use it right away, or you want to let it sprout for 1-2 days – it adds to live-food-value. Here is how to grow sprouts.

2. Put 6 bananas, spelt or buckwheat, almond nuts, and water into a blender and process well.

3. Pour the porridge into the 2 bowls, add two chopped 2 bananas on top, and add some cacao nibs (optional). It should look like on the picture. Serve. Yummy…….


Bon appetite!



13 Facts about Bananas

1. energy-rich food that comes in a safety envelope

2. contains good amounts of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins

3. good amount of soluble dietary fiber

4. very good source of vitamin-B6

5. beneficial role for the treatment of neuritis, and anemia

6. source of vitamin-C

7. provide adequate levels of minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese

8. very rich source of potassium

9.  providing powerful protection to the cardiovascular system

10. help prevent depression

11. ability to prevent macular degeneration

12. promotes bone health

13. they are easily digested, bananas are a perfect food for babies

More info on buckwheat and other breakfast options


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