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Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days – The Whole Story to It

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Video / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić

reversing diabetes


Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days – The Whole Story to It

Diabetes is curable – fact or fiction? Fact! However, the more important question is: do you want this to be true? Or do you want to stay in your deception that there’s nothing you can do than taking your medication for the rest of your life?

Wrong food is an addiction, and like with all other addictions; you ‘ll first have to admit to yourself that you are addicted. So the question is not whether diabetes is curable or not; the question is: can you admit to yourself that you are addicted to wrong food?

Food which is destroying your health, your career, your finances, your looks, your relationships, and in the longer run: your possibility for living a long and happy life. How much do you really wish to change this? I mean permanently – not for the weekend or for a diet hype, but forever.

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and it is curable with the exact same tools which caused it: Food.

All you have to do is changing the fuel for your engine – because you’ve been filling up the wrong fuel all the time! Decide for yourself; the solution is right here, and available to everyone. All you have to do is take action and step in the right direction.

A first good step would be to watch this video, where a group of people who were all on heavy medication (Diabetes Type 1 & 2) decided to give it a try and take part in a 30-day diabetes reversal program – supervised by doctors and nutritionists.

I won’t tell you the results, but I guess you know them already. In the video, you’ll find all information to get started. Now enjoy watching this really inspiring documentary.

Please note: The full movie was removed from youtube due to a copyright claim. This clip is just a trailer; the movie can be purchased here.



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  1. Excellent

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