From Desert to Oasis in 4 Years
Geoff Lawton From Desert to Oasis in 4 Years Video by Geoff Lawton Another fantastic video showing us how to green a desert in unthinkable conditions. But as always, the man who knows how to do it is Geoff Lawton, who has proven numerous times that it is possible, and the tool which makes it possible is called – permaculture. Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on Google+, Twitter, via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read MoreHow A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet
Collective Evolution How A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet Collective Evolution Maya suffered with a severe form of eczema since she was a young baby. At the age of one, red, flaky skin broke out all over Maya’s body forcing her mother to resort to the conventional doctor-recommended treatment for eczema, steroid cream. As supplemental advice, Maya’s pediatrician also recommended removing cow’s milk from her diet and replacing it with goat’s milk (about 15% of infants experience a dairy protein allergy, with common allergic symptoms manifesting on the skin). After doing so, Maya’s mother noticed that it had worked, but this only lasted for a short while. It wasn’t long before Maya began to experience constant colds, a side effect Maya’s mother figured was due to the steroid cream. Steroid creams have a remarkable skin-penetrating...
Read MoreWhy Are the Farmers Depressed and Suicidal?
Heather Callaghan, Contributor / Waking Times Why Are the Farmers Depressed and Suicidal? Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Is the same thing that’s destroying the bees also crippling our farmers? When Ginnie Peters’ farmer husband took his own life after a sudden mood shift, she really hit the nail on the head when she said: These chemicals that farmers use, look what they do to an insect. It ruins their nervous system. What is it doing to the farmer? No one can deny that farming is drastically different than it was in the 1950s, and today it requires extra demand, complete expertise and the stress of uncertainty. Most farmers don’t go into it for high profits. The EPA, however, has long denied that the pesticide exposure they experience is directly tied to psychological symptoms, mental illness, behavioral changes...
Read MoreEarth Has Lost Half Of Its Wildlife In The Past 40 Years Says WWF. What’s The Main Cause?
Collective Evolution Earth Has Lost Half Of Its Wildlife In The Past 40 Years Says WWF. What’s The Main Cause? Collective Evolution The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) just released the tenth biennial edition of the Living Planet report which found that between hunting, habitat destruction, environmental degradation and climate change, the worldwide population of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish has dramatically dropped by an astronomical 52% since 1970. People hear these numbers all of the time and don’t really think much of it. How have we become so disconnected? Is it because we feel that there is nothing that we can do to actually make a difference and put a stop to this? We ignore the decline of our environment, planet and animals at our peril. “We are using nature’s gifts as if we had...
Read MoreNew Technology Can Test How Toxic a Substance is to Your DNA
Marco Torres, Prevent Disease / Waking Times New Technology Can Test How Toxic a Substance is to Your DNA Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times A technique for high throughput screening of substances that could cause DNA damage has been developed by scientists. The technology allows for testing of drugs and cosmetics that could pose a risk to human health, and assesses damage done to DNA, while reducing reliance on animal testing, researchers say. As more hand held and portable devices on the market are being developed for nanoparticle-based DNA sensing, many are able to detect and analyze organisms one-thousandth of the width of a human hair. In the not too distant future, consumers will even be able to run on-the-spot tests for environmental toxins, GMOs, pesticides, food safety and more with their smartphones and other hand-held devices. Although still not...
Read MoreThe 12 Most Chemically Ridden Produce Items You Should Buy Organic
Collective Evolution The 12 Most Chemically Ridden Produce Items You Should Buy Organic Collective Evolution I wanted to start this one off with the positives. I have noticed that in grocery stores these days, more and more organic items are stocked on the shelves and in produce aisles. While organic doesn’t necessarily mean the food is amazing for you and completely clean, it is certainly cleaner than conventional produce. By law, any produce certified as organic cannot be GMO, which is a big plus. Sure you may have to pay more for organic produce, but in research I have been doing (which I intend to report on sometime soon) not only is organic produce better for you than conventional because of the lack of pesticides, but the farming practices and lack of chemicals in organic farming creates a more nutrient...
Read MoreGenetics Research—A Largely Failed Science Now Used for Social Control?
Dr. Mercola / Waking Times Photo: Pixabay Genetics Research—A Largely Failed Science Now Used for Social Control? Dr. Mercola Waking Times I’ve previously written about how your environment and lifestyle, particularly your diet, has a direct influence on your genetic expression. For example, research using identical twins have shown that diet trumps genes in terms of the level of health you achieve. The science of epigenetics also challenges the conventional view of genetics, proving that the environment determines which traits a gene will express, and that your fate is in no way written in stone even if you have genetic predispositions. Findings such as these offer tremendous amounts of hope for every single one of us, as it removes us from the position of victims of our heredity, and makes us masters of our own health and well-being. Alas, as expressed in the...
Read MorePrescription Drugs (SSRIs) Now Added To The Growing List of Toxins Linked To Autism
Collective Evolution Prescription Drugs (SSRIs) Now Added To The Growing List of Toxins Linked To Autism Collective Evolution A study conducted by researches at the Bloomberg School of Public Health found that prenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) was associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and a decreased level of intellectual ability in boys. The study was published in the online edition of Pediatrics, and gathered data from approximately 1,000 mother-child pairs.(1) SSRIs are usually prescribed to those who’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and more. The study also included 966 mother-child pairs from the Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (Charge Study). I mentioned this study in a previous article I wrote, about a groundbreaking study coming out of the University of California Davis, which determined that pregnant women who live in close proximity to land...
Read More10 Of The Worst Food Ingredients To Never Eat Again
Collective Evolution 10 Of The Worst Food Ingredients To Never Eat Again Collective Evolution Ninety percent of the products we see on grocery store shelves today are loaded with processed and nutrition-less ingredients. The hard truth is that these ingredients are killing us one bite at a time. They are addictive and cunningly sleuth, usually masked by an array of creative but misleading advertising schemes. However, there’s one amazing fact about our health that many of us forget from time to time. The fact is this- we all have 100% control over what we choose to put into our bodies! It’s a simple and empowering fact that we all need reminding of, and today is that day. To help you take back your power and regain autonomy over your health, here is a list of the 10 worst...
Read MoreReview of McDonalds’ Steak, Egg and Cheese Bagel
By Jack Albritton Review of McDonalds’ Steak, Egg and Cheese Bagel by Jack Albritton Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on Google+, Twitter, via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read MoreHow to Protect Your Health Against Toxic People
Dr. Ben Kim, Guest / Waking Times Photo: Pixabay How to Protect Your Health Against Toxic People Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Waking Times Several years ago, I was fortunate to meet a lady named Deborah at a fasting clinic in northern California. I had several conversations with Deborah over the course of a year, and what I remember most is that her kindness was amazingly genuine – I sensed that she had done a lot of inner work to identify the life principles that she strove to live by. One day, I asked Deborah why she chose to eat her meals alone rather than with other fasting guests. After a beat of silence, she told me that she was getting some negative vibes from another guest, and that she felt that it was best for her resting experience to...
Read MoreHow to Improve Creativity with Diet …
Video by Kerry McCarpet Photo: Pixabay How to Improve Creativity with Diet … Can you gain a greater spiritual depth (for your creativity) by eating the right food? Or can it at least contribute to your creative adventure? Can it change your awareness and understanding of ‘the bigger picture’ and play an important role in harmonizing your life in general? Kerry Mc Carpet has made an interesting video on this connection, and she’s adding lots of fascinating facts to her explanation – let’s take a look: Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on Google+, Twitter, via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our newsletter at the end of this page! ...
Read MoreThink That Meditation Is A Waste Of Time? Watch This!
Collective Evolution Think That Meditation Is A Waste Of Time? Watch This! Collective Evolution Meditation has quickly become one of the most talked about and used conscious practices in the modern world. Various religious leaders, spiritual gurus, professional athletes, celebrity figures and probably a number of your family and/or friends all swear by it to being a key part in their lives. As a person who practices meditation somewhat regularly, I can personally understand not only its benefit but also why it continues to grow and be adopted by more and more people worldwide. Despite its continued growth and popularity, meditation -like so many other practices -is not without ridicule, as a large portion of the world’s population are still happy to classify it as pseudoscientific, or a waste of time. In response to this common classification, the...
Read MoreHow Monsanto and Big-Ag are Fighting Back Against Anti-GMO Activism
Dr. Mercola / Waking Times How Monsanto and Big-Ag are Fighting Back Against Anti-GMO Activism Dr. Mercola Waking Times Between 2012 and mid-2014, Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) successfully blocked GMO labeling legislation in over 30 states, at a price tag of more than $100 million. These funds were received from the 300+ members of the GMA, which include chemical/pesticide, GE seed, and processed food industries. Together, these industries are working in a symbiotic fashion to grow, subsidize, and manufacture foods that have been clearly linked to growing obesity and chronic disease epidemics. According to the most recent analysis, opponents of GMO labeling spent more than $27 million on lobbying in the first six months of this year alone. This is about three times more than they spent during all of 2013, when they shelled out $9.3...
Read MoreOn Live TV BBC Journalist Shows Coca-Cola President How Much Sugar Is In Their Drink
Collective Evolution On Live TV BBC Journalist Shows Coca-Cola President How Much Sugar Is In Their Drink Collective Evolution We consume so much sugar. Sugar that’s not even real, natural or organic, and is probably one of the worst possible things we can consume. It has a number of detrimental health effects which include diabetes and cancer, just to name a few. It became popular in the United States in the late 1970’s because it became a much cheaper alternative to regular cane sugar. On average we are consuming 27 teaspoons of sugar per day, while the recommended daily allowance from the American Heart Association is no more than six teaspoons a day for the average woman and no more than nine for the average male. Why are we consuming so much sugar? And why exactly is sugar...
Read MoreCancer Death Rates Now Doubled In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Areas
Collective Evolution Cancer Death Rates Now Doubled In Argentina’s GMO Agribusiness Areas Collective Evolution Data linking GMOs and pesticides to human health ailments continues to emerge, as a new report put together by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina has found that increased levels of crop spraying in Argentina’s most extensively farmed areas has resulted in a large increase of cancer rates for those that live in the vicinity. According to the report, deaths from cancerous tumors have as much as doubled in areas where genetically modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. That’s not really surprising, given the fact that numerous studies have linked them to cancer, and other detrimental health ailments. The highest death rate was recorded in the ‘Pampa Gringa’ area. This is where most GM crops are grown, and the most...
Read MoreCancer Industry Exposed as Fraud “The Science is False”
Collective Evolution Cancer Industry Exposed as Fraud “The Science is False” Collective Evolution Major studies within cancer research have been proven to be false which suggests that the mainstream treatments we use are based on fraudulent findings and false science. Recent news has shown that the majority of studies geared towards cancer research are inaccurate and likely fraudulent by nature. Findings published in the journal Nature show that 88% of major studies on cancer that have been published in reputable journals over the years can not be reproduced to show their accuracy. This means that the research findings published are not based on accurate results. Author of the review and former head of cancer research at Amgen C. Glenn Begley was unable to replicate the results of 47 of the 53 studies he examined. This suggests that researchers are fabricating...
Read MoreThe Secret to Building a Salad Keyhole Garden
Kelly Roberson, Guest / Waking Times The Secret to Building a Salad Keyhole Garden Kelly Roberson, Guest Waking Times A keyhole garden is a remarkably adaptable element that works in a range of garden styles. Visiting other people’s gardens is a lovely way to peek into their passions and interests. Some gardeners are completely devoted to one type of plant, while others have a set purpose in mind, such as growing and harvesting herbs and vegetables. I’ve always been a bit of an equal-opportunity gardener: a few veggies, some blooms, and a few foundation trees for structure. But this year I’ve decided to focus my gardening efforts on a new type of themed garden: a salad keyhole garden. What is a Keyhole Garden? Raised beds are nothing new. The idea is to elevate the garden to...
Read MoreThe Most Irony Ever: Food Poisoning Strikes Diners at Gov’t Food Safety Summit
Nutritional Anarchy The Most Irony Ever: Food Poisoning Strikes Diners at Gov’t Food Safety Summit Nutritional Anarchy I’m always making a joke that our overblown government couldn’t even get together and make a noodle salad without finding some magical way to screw it up. Apparently, and sadly so, that snarky bit of sarcasm isn’t all that far off the mark. Food served at a Food Safety Summit held earlier this month between several of our federal agencies including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Big Food industry giants the likes of Tyson, ConAgra and McDonald’s, actually gave some of the people who attended food poisoning. At least four people called the Baltimore City Health Department this week to report that they developed diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms about 12...
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