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30 Ways of Being That Fill People With Joy and Make Them Highly Effective At Anything They Do
PreventDisease 30 Ways of Being That Fill People With Joy and Make Them Highly Effective At Anything They Do PreventDisease Highly effective and happy people share many of the same perspectives, habits and beliefs that separate them from the rest. They have acquired the behaviors that lead them to more fulfilling lives and a sense of abundance. All you have to do is bring some of these changes in your attitude towards life and you’ll see how simple...
Read MoreSalt-Water Powered Car Gets Approval In Europe – Yes It’s Real
Collective Evolution Salt-Water Powered Car Gets Approval In Europe – Yes It’s Real Collective Evolution It works just like a hydrogen fuel cell except that the liquid used for storing energy is saltwater. This isn’t far from the water powered car, an idea labelled as a conspiracy by many despite the massive amount of evidence behind it. You can read more about that here. In this case (saltwater) the liquid passes through a membrane in between the two tanks,...
Read MoreThe Public is Being Misled, Cancer Can be Prevented, Even Reversed With Diet
Clare Howard, AlterNet / Waking Times The Public is Being Misled, Cancer Can be Prevented, Even Reversed With Diet Clare Howard, AlterNet Waking Times T. Colin Campbell has set off a war with the food industry. He says the CIA has shown up at his door with questions. Colleagues have warned him not to pursue his controversial research findings. One of his professional organizations considered kicking him out because of his research, and national panels that once wooed him...
Read MoreCreating False Reality with the Green Screen
Heather Callaghan, Contributor / Waking Times Creating False Reality with the Green Screen Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Who was it (Thomas Jefferson?) that said something along the lines of “Believe nothing that you read, and only half of what you see”? Manufactured reality hadn’t reached the feats it can now with camera majick. That is to say the speed of reaching a global spectrum and the technological advancements weren’t deployed at the time. Now, more than ever, it’s...
Read MoreThe Practice of Gentleness
By Paul Kowalewski Photo: Pixabay The Practice of Gentleness by Paul Kowalewski We seem to live in such a compulsively “driven” culture – everyone so driven to succeed, driven by ambition, driven to perfection. As I sit in my desert garden on this refreshingly clear and quiet Sunday morning, I think about people going off to churches everywhere, and I wonder if perhaps they are somehow striving for perfection – are they being “driven” by a desire to win...
Read MoreTurmeric – Natural Medicine to Regenerate Brain Cells, Fight Cancer and More
Dr. Mercola / Waking Times Turmeric – Natural Medicine to Regenerate Brain Cells, Fight Cancer and More Dr. Mercola Waking Times Many spices have powerful medicinal properties, which is why they’ve been used to promote healing for thousands of years prior to the advent of patented synthetic drugs. Some spices are clearly more useful than others, and one “star player” within Nature’s pharmacy is turmeric, a yellow-pigmented curry spice often used in Indian cuisine. Turmeric also has a...
Read MoreWhich Foods Are Irradiated and Sterilized For Claims of Safety?
PreventDisease Which Foods Are Irradiated and Sterilized For Claims of Safety? PreventDisease The primary claim by the food industry: As the world’s population climbs, the sustainable production and distribution of food is balanced against the need to ensure its chemical and microbiological safety. Although science has been unable to establish the long-term safety of food irradiation and the lasting health effects if any, almost every food category can now be legally irradiated by government regulators, even at the...
Read MoreFrom Desert to Oasis in 4 Years
Geoff Lawton From Desert to Oasis in 4 Years Video by Geoff Lawton Another fantastic video showing us how to green a desert in unthinkable conditions. But as always, the man who knows how to do it is Geoff Lawton, who has proven numerous times that it is possible, and the tool which makes it possible is called – permaculture. Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on...
Read MoreHow A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet
Collective Evolution How A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet Collective Evolution Maya suffered with a severe form of eczema since she was a young baby. At the age of one, red, flaky skin broke out all over Maya’s body forcing her mother to resort to the conventional doctor-recommended treatment for eczema, steroid cream. As supplemental advice, Maya’s pediatrician also recommended removing cow’s milk from her diet and replacing it with goat’s milk (about 15%...
Read MoreIs Ebola The New AIDS?
By Russell Brand Is Ebola The New AIDS? Russell Brand The Trews (E161) As flights are cancelled, communities stigmatised & mildly sick people fear for their lives, is it worth questioning what the biggest threat to our collective wellbeing is: rare tropical diseases, or the media coverage of them? Please leave a comment, and don’t forget to follow us for more articles and videos on Google+, Twitter, via RSS feed, or by simply subscribing to our...
Read MoreThe End of Oppression – Part 3: Good Funding Evil
By Josie Outlaw The End of Oppression – Part 3: Good Funding Evil by Josie Outlaw “The End of Oppression” is a six-part series of videos which show what it will take for humanity to finally outgrow and escape its long history of violence and oppression. Part Three (“Good Funding Evil”) illustrates how the legalized extortion known as “taxation” creates a situation in which millions of decent, productive people end up inadvertently funding and enabling mass injustice. ...
Read MoreWhy Are the Farmers Depressed and Suicidal?
Heather Callaghan, Contributor / Waking Times Why Are the Farmers Depressed and Suicidal? Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Is the same thing that’s destroying the bees also crippling our farmers? When Ginnie Peters’ farmer husband took his own life after a sudden mood shift, she really hit the nail on the head when she said: These chemicals that farmers use, look what they do to an insect. It ruins their nervous system. What is it doing to the...
Read MoreEarth Has Lost Half Of Its Wildlife In The Past 40 Years Says WWF. What’s The Main Cause?
Collective Evolution Earth Has Lost Half Of Its Wildlife In The Past 40 Years Says WWF. What’s The Main Cause? Collective Evolution The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) just released the tenth biennial edition of the Living Planet report which found that between hunting, habitat destruction, environmental degradation and climate change, the worldwide population of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish has dramatically dropped by an astronomical 52% since 1970. People hear these numbers all of the...
Read MoreShut The Fck Up! ‘Conspiracy Theorist’
Video by James Corbett / Introduction by Alen Mischael Vukelić Shut The Fck Up! ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ “There has never been a conspiracy in this country (U.S.)! This is how you respond to a conspiracy theorist.” (Just to let you know) This is a short quote from James Corbetts’ Eyeopener Report in which he speaks about the insanity of believing that the government would never engage in any kind of cover up operations. Just the idea of seeing politicians...
Read MoreNew Technology Can Test How Toxic a Substance is to Your DNA
Marco Torres, Prevent Disease / Waking Times New Technology Can Test How Toxic a Substance is to Your DNA Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times A technique for high throughput screening of substances that could cause DNA damage has been developed by scientists. The technology allows for testing of drugs and cosmetics that could pose a risk to human health, and assesses damage done to DNA, while reducing reliance on animal testing, researchers say. As more hand held and...
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